Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

Dota Venomancer Item Build | Dota Lesale Deathbringer Guide

For those obsessed with death, poison is a necessary study. However, Lesale went a step too far. He experimented upon himself with various toxins and chemicals so that he could learn the secrets of death. These twisted his mind and mutated his body into a hideous creature which embodies an immense hatred for all things pure. He can strike an enemy with a concentrated shot of poison or even spread a toxic gas throughout an entire area, severely weakening beast and human alike

~ Venomancer Item Builds ~ 
> Starting Venomancer Items <
This build is are used by many players in the tournament. Venomancer Venomous Gale doesnt need to be spammed, just use it wisely. Others go for empty bottle though it's good for him but its advisable not to to get to make you farm for a boots quickly. You have your Magic Stick to take of your regeneration. Just be careful in laning.
> Killer Venomancer Item Build <
  Why Phaseboots? For the attack damage and walk speed bonus especially if you have slowed your enemy. Magic Stick is for survivability when you need it and regeneration for mana and hp because you don't have a bottle. Next, build Vanguard for tankiness to make you hard in clashes and ganks. Sange and Yasha would probably the next best item for Venomancer it adds HP which you need and the movement speed. Lothars Edge for escape and pushing purpose. Radiance for damage. You don't need Butterfly with Venomancer because his hard enough with the SnY and Vanguard and has an escape mechanism
> Support Venomancer Item Build <
Urn of Shadows is for your regeneration. You can also heal your allies with the charges from the Urn of Shadows while Mekansm is on cooldown. Mekansm and Khadgar's Pipe of Insight for clash/gank purposes. Guinsoo Scythe of Vyse for DPS hero or if you need to shut down one of enemy's hero so you can focus fire easily on the one you want. If you will pick this support build be sure to put Plague Ward early which so much effective in pushing lanes.

> Optional / Situational Venomancer Items <
 If you think you really need Empty Bottle get one and spam your Venomous Gale. Black King Bar for stunners and heavy nukers. You would probably be their target so if needed 
don't hesitate to get one fast. Blade Mail for DPS heroes which really hurts. You can exchange attacks with them if you have Blade Mail because you're hard with the items here in this strategy guide. Linken's Sphere can be an alternative for Black King Bar if you just have few nukers and stunners.

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Dota Enchantress Item Build | Dota Aiushtha Item Guide and Strategy

Although all Dryads are Cenarius' daughters, Aiushtha is said to be his first and favorite. Because of her direct relation to him, she has borrowed much of his power. This is demonstrated by her control over the shy Wisps which she uses to heal her allies, and her ability to bring an opponent under the will of the Sentinel. Preferring ranged combat to melee, she fashioned a spear that strikes with more force the further her target is away. Her agility is unmatched, and any opponent attempting to kill her will find she skips ahead of them with surprising ease.

~ Enchantress Item Builds ~ 
> Starting Enchantress Items <
 With Enchantress you just need mana regen because of her Nature's Attendants. You need a Magic Stick early on to help you if you are short on mana and hp. Magic Stick is also to assist you when you want an instant hp recovery when you're ganked. Those Branches of Ironwood are for additional hp, damage and mana. The Healing Salve is for emergency purposes if your enemies in your lane are heavy nukers.
> Killer Enchantress Item Build <
Phase Boots for the additional damage and the large movement speed boost which is really a combo for the 5.5 seconds slow of Enchantress' Enchant skill and go for that kill.  The Magic Wand is when you needed hp the most especially for survivability in clashes and ganks. The best item for Enchantress would be Orchids of Malevolence which really compliments Enchantress with its additional damage, attack speed, mana regen (for spamming of Impetus) and the Soul Burn skill. 
> Optional / Situational Enchantress Items <
 Dagger is to help Enchantress escape and survive in ganks. Be sure to have Black King Bar when there are lots of heavy nukers because with the low hp of Enchantress she can't survive with stuns and instant damages.You want to build Vanguard if you feel that you're too soft and find yourself lying dead a lot of times. The additional 250HP and the damage block are a big help for Enchantress. Force Staff is an alternative for Dagger.

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Dota Traxex Item Build | Dota Drow Ranger Item Guide and Strategy

raxex was a skilled archer in her oppressive underground homeland, the Underdark, until she grew sick of her kin's evil ways and fled to the surface world. As a part of her resolution, she joined the Sentinel, bringing her excellent marksmanship to the fray. Some of her abilities include stripping magical beings of their voices, and enchanting her arrows with an icy cold. While such powers are valuable, her true origin will never cease to linger around in the judging eyes of  others.

~ Traxex Item Builds ~ 
> Starting Traxex Items <
Why Magic Stick? This is so effective when you have your enemy hero in your lane who are spellcasters like Storm Spirit, Nevermore and even Bristleback. You can get instant hp when you wanted to especially when you are about to die, it will help you to survive. 3 Tango of Essifation for the needed regeneration early game.4 Ironwood Branches is much better than getting Slippers of Agility because of the hp and mana bonus. Those branches will be used later to upgrade to Magic Wand.

> Killer Traxex Item Build <
  Traxex doesn't really need those Wraith Bands, just go quickly for Power Treads or Helm of Dominator just be safe and avoid being ganked and you will see that you don't need 3 Wraith Bands which others get. Magic Wand again for a jiffy hp when you need it the most. Lothars Edge is your escape mechanism and also to set yourself to kill a hero. Manta Style to give your self a DPS boost which is a great combo for her skill Markmanship and huge damage. Buriza Da Kyanon for critical, just imagine your illusions and you do a critical you will be like Naga Siren like hell, even worse.
> Pusher Traxex Item Build <
Who says that Traxex the Drow Ranger has just only one role which is being a killer? Traxex can be a deadly pusher with this pusher item build. Boots of Travel to change lanes after the other. Vanguard to help you make a tower dive when needed (Just be careful with the gank). Lothars to escape after pushing a lane. Manta Style to get some mirror dudes to help you and deal hell of a damage to the enemy's tower. Lastly, if the game is still on you can make Mjolnir to give you additional pushing ability especially when our Manta Style is on cooldown. This build is also has a semi-killer support role.
> Optional / Situational Traxex Items <
 Black King Bar is for heavy nukers that gets in your way. Have one to survive most of the clashes and ganks. Traxex' weakness is her survivability so be sure  to have one if needed. Blade Mail if someone like Mortred is a pain in the ass and you want them to stop attacking for a while and get a chance to get to them first.

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